Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sorority Girl Say

Stereotype:  A popular belief about a specific type of people.

This video does a great job of portraying the generalized stereotype of the sorority girl.  Although this video was intended to stereotype sorority girls and Vanderbilt University, it's accurate in almost all assertions for any university across the country, which proves its validity as a stereotype.  Maybe your typical sorority girl is not exactly like they are portrayed in this video, but the video does a fairly good job of giving an exaggerated example of how sorority girls appear to an outsider.

Stereotypes are based on prior assumptions which become simplified or standardized for a group, often times stereotyping can turn into a negative bias. Stereotypes can be attached across all borders. Within an in-group often a positive stereotype will be attached to those within the in-group (such as fellow sisters) and a negative stereotype to those in the out-group (such as rival sororities or non Greek goers). People within the out-group also often attach stereotypes to people within an in group. For example:  People who are not involved in Greek life often assume that all sorority girls are blonde and dumb, or that specific sororities represent promiscuity, high academic achievement, or partying.

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