Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Get Ready for a Date

Once again, my favorite sociologist: JennaMarbles or Jenna Mourey

She always says the most controversial, but truthful things in her videos.  I think she does a really good job of pointing out what people see in society everyday but tend to ignore because that is exactly what we were taught to do by society itself.  For example, lets take a look at some gender roles for women that Jenna points out:

The first step is to get dressed:
"You can't go like [yourself], you're a sexual object."
When getting dressed for a date you need to make sure to wear something that is "short, tight, and shows off your sweater puppies." Also "wear as much perfume as possible," "...lots of jewelry," and
"Don't forget to wear heels!"
Jenna says that in this step you are trying to make the man feel like he is watching a juvenile video.

Your next important thing to do is pick a bag:
"Pick one that says: 'I paid way too much money for this.'"

Then pack your bag with the essentials:
"Pack a sandwich...this lets him know you can cook, plus he's going to ask you to make one for him anyway." Then go ahead and "throw some rubber gloves and cleaning supplies in there so he knows you can clean too."

Now that you are ready for your date, "you should sext him before he leaves so he can justify buying you an entire meal."

Once you are on the date, "'re a girl.  You're not funny, smart, or interesting." So "get all your fake laughs ready and be super impressed with everything he says." "If he asks you a question, don't panic...When in doubt, just giggle and do something adorable."

"When the date is over make sure you have sex with him, because that's all you're good for."

At the end of her instruction, Jenna implies that showing up like yourself is WAY too risky, you might get hurt! She takes a serious societal view of women's gender roles and turns it into something satirical to point out how wrong it is.  In the modern world it's sad to think that some people view women this way, and sadder still to think that some women allow men to think of them this way.

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